Speeding Up Your Front-End: 2016 Version - RedDotRubyConf 2016

Published on: Sunday, 26 June 2016

Speaker: Vipul Amler, Director, BigBinary LLC

Rails 5 and Sprockets 3/4, have made amazing strides in terms of performance, and dev-experience. Sprockets adds various resolution fixes to speed it up by more that 12x, allows to use ES6/ES2015, adopts good approaches from npm, and adds experimental features like Subresource Integrity. On Rails too, there are many improvements for speeding up front-end resources- Custom HTTP headers for static assets, Fragment caching improvements, ETag improvements, http_cache_forever and more. In this talk, we will see how to harness many of these to speed up page loads/cache and Google Pagespeed.

Speaker's Bio
Vipul is Director at BigBinary LLC. He is part of Rails Team, and helps triaging issues. His spare time is spent exploring and contributing to many Open Source ruby projects, when not dabbling with React JS. He has recently authored ReactJS by Example, that does a deep walk-through of using ReactJS. Vipul loves Ruby's vibrant community and helps in building PuneRb, is the founder of and runs RubyIndia Community. He also organizes DeccanRubyConf in Pune.

Event Page: http://www.reddotrubyconf.com

Produced by Engineers.SG

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