JHipster 3.0 night! - Singapore Spring User Group

Published on: Thursday, 17 March 2016

Speaker: Deepu K Sasidharan (@deepu105)

JHipster is one of the fastest growing projects on the Spring/AngularJS sphere. And it's now getting support for microservices (starting from JHipster 3.0).

Deepu K Sasidharan is based in Singapore and is one of the core JHipster committers.

He has successfully used JHipster on large projects in Singapore. Via lots of demos, Deepu will take us through the core features of JHipster and the latest changes such as:

• move to microservices
• Entity update and how to use JHipster when you have a large number of entities

Slides: http://deepu.js.org/jh-slides-v3/

Event Page: http://www.meetup.com/singasug/events/229146821/

Produced by Engineers.SG

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