Scripting in Swift For a Testable Build - iOS Conf SG 2020

Published on: Thursday, 30 January 2020

Speaker: Ellen Shapiro ,

Underlying many large iOS projects is a tangled nest of bash scripts that developers are often afraid to touch for fear of breaking something, and which is littered with print statements from generations of developers trying to figure out how on earth it works. How can we move away from this mess and to something more sustainable? Ellen will discuss moving a codebase like this to a command line tool that can be called from a Swift script, and which can be tested and breakpointed, and just might save a tiny bit of your sanity.

About the speaker

Ellen Shapiro is a mobile engineer for Apollo GraphQL who has been building native apps for both iOS and Android since 2010. She's written tutorials for about iOS and Android since 2013, and is now one of the authors of their Kotlin Apprentice book. When not coding or talking incessantly about coding, Ellen spends her time traveling, biking, playing sous-chef to her fiancée Lilia, and relentlessly instagramming their cat.

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Produced by Engineers.SG
